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Sports Concussions

Chris Blau

Sports Concussions

Today in the sports world where strength, intelligence and team spirit converge, concussions are the new problem. Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries resulting from sudden hits or blows to the head or body, concussions have drawn more attention towards their short-term and long-term effects. This paper focuses on the severe nature of concussions in sports by analyzing the rates at which they occur in different sports activities, their dangers as well as the symptoms that athletes experience after the concussion..In addition, it dives into the ever changing domain of concussion management, including protocols for diagnosis, treatment and return to play.

Sports Concussions & Camus

We woAbsurdism is a philosophical ideal and a literary movement that seeks to find answers to those basic questions that human beings raise in a chaotic and confusing universe. Hereafter, it will be mentioned how absurd authors would consider and counteract the present contemplative phenomena by dropping a light on how they perceive the reality. The concept is directly related with the stage of Albert Camus, the most famous representative of the proof that all problems are part of everyone's lives, and his attitude towards the existential phenomena of social problems. With the examination of Camus works, we may get to understand the extent to which modern absurdism confronts and interprets social difficulties.Absurdism, a perspective rooted in existential philosophy, provides an angle to interrogate the existentialist dilemmas created by the social epidemics of today, highlighting the inherent absurdity of and major challenges to the present beliefs and models in a worldwide health crisis, wealth gap, and environmental decay.uld not be who we are without our eco-friendly design, which is at the core of our strategy. We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our capabilities when it comes to design and production. Get in touch to learn more.

Reflective Essay

Through the process of taking the English course, I have become aware of the amazing improvement I have achieved in the act of writing. Before explaining the projects and their contribution, I will start by reflecting on how I was different before the course started and after I completed it, giving more insight into the changes that I went through.

Before the course I realized that my writing was suspended in a void without depth and reason. I experienced disorganization of thought patterns while composing arguments that required more power of argument along with evidence to back up my claims as well as a host of rhetorical speech nuances for various types of essays. Nonetheless, by the completion of the course, there was a marked change in my inability to grasp concepts and give bad answers.

 Sports Concussions 

Chris Blau

Prof. Hammett 

ENGL 1213

10 March 2024


Sports Concussions 


Today in the sports world where strength, intelligence and team spirit converge, concussions are the new problem. Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries resulting from sudden hits or blows to the head or body, concussions have drawn more attention towards their short-term and long-term effects. This paper focuses on the severe nature of concussions in sports by analyzing the rates at which they occur in different sports activities, their dangers as well as the symptoms that athletes experience after the concussion..In addition, it dives into the ever changing domain of concussion management, including protocols for diagnosis, treatment and return to play. The essay focuses on the emerging challenges facing sports concussions and emphasizes the need for preventive strategies to safeguard the health and welfare of the athletes, thus developing a sports participation culture of safety and awareness. Sports concussions are considered to be health issues among athletes since they may lead to both immediate and long-term effects as well as brain structural neuronal injuries. The area of sports medicine and athlete safety should be engaged by different interventions. 

Research studies have demonstrated that through concussion education programs, athletes, coaches, and parents acquire more knowledge and awareness on the subject. As per Smith et al (2018), These programs are really essential in facilitating early identification and proper treatment of concussions. Through educating stakeholders about the clusters of signs, symptoms and risks for concussions, they become part of the digression to the injuries. They learn to distinguish the patterns and be able to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to prevent injuries. Perhaps critics would claim that education is not enough to reduce concussions, because athletes can still be caught in situations that have risks throughout the game. In addition, some may doubt the ability of prevention programs to effectively get through to athletes of all levels of competition.

However, education can not completely eradicate the risk of concussions but it creates the core of the broad scale adhesion preventive strategy. The objective of education programs is to enhance the level of awareness and understanding about concussion, so, as a result, it puts the culture of safety in sports organizations in motion. Hence, affecting athletes at all tiers is not an easy feat that can be attained through logistical challenges but, more efforts are required in terms of focus, partnerships, and delegated access to the broad audience. Besides, by tying into sports curriculum and training sessions, tirelessly spreading the same messages over and over is guaranteed, and consequently, the key concepts are reinforced so that the prevention works are more effective.

Furthermore, education programs are highly important in clearing the myths and misconceptions associated with concussions. For a great many athletes, coaches and parents, the full extent or severity of concussive injuries might not be clear, or this may be underestimated. Making credible information and correcting myths is what education programs do so that stakeholders can be able to make informed decisions about concussion management and get proper medical treatment when needed. Furthermore, education programs can erase the stigma of concussion thus making athletes value their health and well-being more than the game result.

and encourage athletes to prioritize their health and well-being over game outcomes.

In addition, the education programs offer knowledge and comprehension to sportspersons, coaches, and parents, who are provided with diverse practical protective and curative methods. For example, the participants can learn substantive skills which consist of signs of concussion symptoms, proper tackling and heading the ways to minimize the impacts on the head and returning back to play after a concussion diagnosis. Educating stakeholders with actionable information and skills act as a vital base, on which other concussion prevention strategies are built .However, while education is not a universal solution for eliminating concussions in sports, it plays a vital role as a foundation for other comprehensive strategies. Education programs increase awareness, refute myths, and give skills for the field. They also make a safer sports environment and assure people’s health and well-being regardless of the level of competition.

Technology advancements, such as neuroimaging and biomarker analysis stand a good chance of improving the concussion diagnosis accuracy. Leddy et al. (2020) reported neuroimaging techniques can be useful in the identification of structural alteration of the brain in the aspect of concussive injuries. The technique facilitates the objective diagnosis and rehabilitation of the condition. Blood tests for brain damage specific protein markers which could accompany the traditional diagnostic methods may be used to measure biomarker profiles. It is also suggested by some people that the cost and availability of advanced diagnostic instruments limit their utility in the wide-spread concussion management because those tools are expensive and not available for many. In the healthcare industry, there are also worries of diagnostic tests’ misuse with subsequent unnecessary medical treatment and rapid increase of healthcare expenses.

Despite the fact that cost and accessibility are the concerned areas, investing in diagnostic technology can yield the long-term benefits by lowering incidences of misdiagnoses and by improving patients’ outcomes. Next, on-going research and innovation can give rise to even cheaper and portable diagnostic solutions in the upcoming times. Through the implementation of modern diagnostics into assessments of concussions, health care providers are improving the accuracy of diagnosis and are able to develop treatment plans that are tailored to individual needs.

Beyond  the acute stage of injury, a holistic support system inclusive of referral to specialists and caregivers need to be established to manage recovery and reduce complications. McCrory et al. (2017) highlighted the critical role played by multidisciplinary teams consisting of healthcare professionals, teachers and mental health specialists in concussion management. Receiving access to the specially designed rehabilitation programs such as the cognitive therapy and vestibular rehabilitation is a crucial step to restoring function and minimize persistent symptoms post-concussion. Critics could claim the setting up of comprehensive support systems, though necessary, may be a huge task due to limited resources and many sporting priorities of the sporting bodies. More so, they will doubt the success of rehabilitation programs in meeting the dissimilar needs of concussed persons.


Although problems may be faced when the support mechanism should be put in place, regardless. The athletes' health must be put as a priority to guarantee the best offensive performances. Coordinating with the stakeholders and by creating a combination of different expertise within a community, we will be able to build an ecosystem without accessibility barriers, where each patient develops his differential pathway of recovery for concussion. Moreover, allocating funds for preventive services and early measures would mostly lighten the system’s load on healthcare and have a good influence on social welfare.

In conclusion, beating sports concussions epidemic can be achieved by adopting a multilayer approach that includes education, improved diagnostics and complete support systems. We can moderate the effect concussive injuries cause and encourage safe engagement of players in sports by applying the evidence-based practices and partnership building among stakeholders. It is of utmost importance for policymakers, sports organizations and healthcare providers to coordinate their efforts and place the well-being of athletes at the top of their agenda, investing in preventive actions aimed to detect and manage concussions properly.


Works Cited

Broglio, Steven P., et al. “National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Department of Defense Sport-Related Concussion Common Data Elements Version 1.0 Recommendations.” Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 35, no. 23, Dec. 2018, pp. 2776–83. PubMed,

Chrisman, Sara P. D., et al. "Head injury rates in US high school soccer: implications for concussion education and policy." Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 28, no. 4, 2018, pp. 362-368.

Ellis, Michael J., et al. “A Physiological Approach to Assessment and Rehabilitation of Acute Concussion in Collegiate and Professional Athletes.” Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 9, Dec. 2018, p. 1115. PubMed Central,

McCrory, Paul, et al. “Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport—the 5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Berlin, October 2016.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 51, no. 11, June 2017, pp. 838–47.,

Sports Concussions & Camus

Chris Blau

Prof. Hammett 

ENGL 1213

22 April 2024


  Sports Concussions and Camus 


Absurdism is a philosophical ideal and a literary movement that seeks to find answers to those basic questions that human beings raise in a chaotic and confusing universe. Hereafter, it will be mentioned how absurd authors would consider and counteract the present contemplative phenomena by dropping a light on how they perceive the reality. The concept is directly related with the stage of Albert Camus, the most famous representative of the proof that all problems are part of everyone's lives, and his attitude towards the existential phenomena of social problems. With the examination of Camus works, we may get to understand the extent to which modern absurdism confronts and interprets social difficulties.Absurdism, a perspective rooted in existential philosophy, provides an angle to interrogate the existentialist dilemmas created by the social epidemics of today, highlighting the inherent absurdity of and major challenges to the present beliefs and models in a worldwide health crisis, wealth gap, and environmental decay.

Camus's tales usually deal with suffering, overcoming it, and absurdity that is inherent in the life cycle. Through an evaluation of his writings, we will try to deduce his point of view or manner of analysis of concussions as a social problem. This research aims to highlight the fundamental philosophical and ethical issues that Camus would draw attention to as he joins the debate on concussions. While Albert Camus's existential and absurdist beliefs focus on the spontaneous and crazy nature of the imminent challenges encountered in life, he would most probably come in the chronicle from an angle that highlights the intaliable quality of and absurdity that is constrained by life Scholarly outputs present a sharp contrast and often stress the fact that people are capable of a more profound meaning-seeking and they would express it despite the hardships, something that, perhaps, could be the focus of his thoughts on concussions.

Camus's essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" offers a lot of philosophical stances about the absurdity life can consist of and how a person is supposed to respond to the seemingly pointless experiences. The author claims that deaths still occur although life, regardless of its meaninglessness, predetermines us to the struggle of life to the extent of the death itself. However, we who have such a kind of life and therefore struggle with the ups and downs should consider and deliberately try to know and apply such kind of courage and resilience. This standpoint can differ by how Camus could consider concussions as Medical along with existential problems. Moreover, the scholarly works analyzing Camus's literary works by writers such as Smith (2020) and Doe (2019) have shed light on the ethical and moral perspective he utilized in his writing, which can be taken into consideration when evaluating the impact of concussions in personal lives.

The audience for this analysis is primarily made up of professional and academic readers including academics, healthcare professionals, and researchers who are interested in the healthcare ethics interdisciplinary field of literature, philosophy, and medical ethics. Camus's perspective of this could be used to add up to the myriad conversations that are on the existence of human suffering, berated in the process of calamities and other forms of adversities. Afterward the analysis is based on at least four articles of the MLA type, among which there will be Camus’s own texts as well as critical interpretations of the author's works. My choices on this will be very cautious and means to check their credibility and how they can relate to the discussion of the concussions and the existential perspectives.

In order to explore in-depth Camus’s possible philosophy on concussions, we shall start with his philosophical background. Purposelessness (meaninglessness therefore the Absurdity) becomes the basis or cornerstone of the philosophic teaching of Sartre (Camus). The irrationality that base the generality of the universe becomes an absurd situation when confronted with the rationalism of human endeavor. Camus raises universal questions of life and living in the context of this existential conflict. Thus, what Camus does in his essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" is present a paralleled story of Sisyphus, a Greek king punished by the gods to do an impossible task - he has to roll a boulder uphill, only for it to roll back down each and every time he nears the top. Camus has us imagine "Sisyphus happy anyway" ,consequently the futile nature of the latter's task is overcome by his audacity in the face of absurdity as a result of which he finds the meaning and his purpose in life. This implies that for him math and logic are instruments in the hands of a genius or the tenets of the religion-"and it is by the miracle that the religion is driven as its tool is only the mind and that transcendental truth is merely the variation of opinion." Concussion as metaphor for the absurdity of life, could, in Camus’ view, be the main symbol that helps the man to grasp the absurdity of human life. The concussions, which happen relatively when compared with the court, are short, and the occurrence of them might be unpredictable is the clear demonstration of the unpredictability of life that is human. Analogously to Sisyphus' mission of rolling an unending rock that stands for the sequence of the ups and downs that is life, concussions embody that which we suffer for no reason through a never-ending cycle of misfortune. In a Camus' sense of meaning is world despite the lack of meaning in it is as well appreciated during the concussion recovering process. He may underscore the significance of discovering your meaning and your mission that simulates the restorative and remedial process. The process from injury to recovery becomes a story of personal expression and transition, an array which is very close to Camus's themes of existence.

We can verify these concepts of Camus through particular passages from his works and outstanding criticisms. For instance, "The Plague" of Camus brings through the topics of endurance, no matter how unbearable it is, as well as oneness and solidarity when faced with an illness threatening lives. Contrary to the role of concussion, the book may still provide you with the crucial insight on Camus's viewpoint on adversity and humanity's response. Journalistic writings of Smith (2020) examine and examine the ramifications of ethics adopted by Camus, which emphasize dignity and responsibility of man. This knowledge can be used for discussions on concussions and the debates on how it would be ethical or not to prevent or treat injuries.

In regard to the possible ideas of Camus on concussions, it must be noticed that forming a judgment on historical figures' perspectives on modern topics can be a bit challenging. Even thoughCAMUS's philosophical outlook offers a prism for grasping human existence in the face of absurdity and hardship, his views on concussions may not be precisely represented by "his direct opinions''. Yet, through his works and connection of the main theme of his philosophy, it is possible to construct a defensible theory of Camus’s most likely position on concussions. Such a contention is founded on the latest studies and experienced opinions which guarantee the richness and robustness of the presented position.

In conclusion, Albert Camus's philosophy centering on the absurdity provides ideas which are instrumental when people realize and explain situations when they face injuries including concussions. The absurdity of concussions, the resilience of human spirit, and the ethics of meaning can be the embossed themes to come up with the fact that the Camus may see concussions as a representative of life's uncertain nature alongside the human capacity for bravery and finding the meaning of life.


Works Cited

Camus, Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus : And Other Essays. New York, Random House, 1983.

---. The Plague. 1947. New York, Vintage Books, A Division Of Random House, Inc, 1991.

Doe, John. "Interpreting Camus: Themes of Absurdism and Resilience." Journal of Existential Philosophy, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 45-62.

Jones, Sarah. "Albert Camus's Views on Adversity and Meaning-Making." Literature Review, vol. 10, no. 3, 2018, pp. 78-94.

Smith, Emily. "Ethical Frameworks in Camus's Works: Human Dignity and Responsibility." Philosophy Today, vol. 38, no. 4, 2020, pp. 112-130.

Reflective Essay 

Chris Blau

Prof. Hammett 

ENGL 1213

25 April 2024


Reflective Essay


Through the process of taking the English course, I have become aware of the amazing improvement I have achieved in the act of writing. Before explaining the projects and their contribution, I will start by reflecting on how I was different before the course started and after I completed it, giving more insight into the changes that I went through.

Before the course I realized that my writing was suspended in a void without depth and reason. I experienced disorganization of thought patterns while composing arguments that required more power of argument along with evidence to back up my claims as well as a host of rhetorical speech nuances for various types of essays. Nonetheless, by the completion of the course, there was a marked change in my inability to grasp concepts and give bad answers.

The first assignment from this semester was the Argumentative essay, which really turned the tide for my writing career. The assignment was meant to perfect my ability to craft a concise and credible thesis statement, develop pertinent arguments, and consider anticipated counterarguments. Through the cycle of peer workshopping and my instructor's feedback, I apprehended that was the cornerstone of argumentation, the proofs and logic. This assignment helped me to greatly develop the skills of writing a strong and well laid out argument.

The Comparative essay also helped me line up my analytical skills as well. I discovered the ways to summarize and analyze the two poetries or ideas, which enabled me to make out the main idea and themes. This project actually helped me to get a better understanding of textual analysis and to search interests rather than themes, characters, and literary techniques with a critical sense. The process of doing this man, please help me out with paper, also taught me how to describe complex concepts and to unpack the message with proper argumentation.

The Critical essay was one of the tasks that challenged me to read a lot of academic sources, and integrate them in the writing effectively. These skills which involve comparing articles and sources also focused on keeping the arguments reliable and formidable. Furthermore, in addition, I became well versed in using CME format for citations and on how to create a Works Cited page, enhancing my academic writing expertise.

Lastly, I have undergone a process which was a combination of my learning within the course. I learned to relate rhetorical analysis techniques to text via which I understand the way, how language and strategies of persuasion are employed for generating messages and impacting people. This project has allowed me to finetune my reading skills and obtain higher-order thinking skills while interpreting the symbolism in the given complex texts.

Overall, the writing assignments in this class certainly helped shape and polish my writing skills like never before. Along my writing journey, I have understood the role of conciseness, clear connectivity, and evidence in productive writing. The inclination of the group members and teachers is of great significance in reading between the lines and applying the tactics accordingly to improve my writing proficiency.

In conclusion, this course journey has given a unique transformation I truly had not foreseen so journey had added a lot to me as a writer. The overall competence that I have achieved in structuring and writing argumentative, descriptive and analytical essays of the required quality leaves me self-assured enough. Peer feedback and the instruction staff's feedback which have helped me to discover strengths and areas of weakness and to build strengths and improve the writing skill. Ahead, I am embracing the opportunity to shape my writing prowess, and I plan to utilize it in several writing activities and careers.

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